Customers Frequently Asked Questions

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What turf variety should I use?

Selection of the most suitable turf variety for your situation is a somewhat subjective process. Firstly, you must consider varieties that perform best in your local soil and climate. There is no sense trying to grow a turf variety in an environment it was not designed for. Secondly, you should look for a variety that combines the overall qualities that are most important to you: aesthetics, maintenance, environmental aspects etc.

Should I seed or turf my yard?

There is a common misconception that seeding is the best way to establish a lawn because it is much less expensive than turfing. In reality, turfing the area turns out to be less expensive over time once costs such as increased maintenance inputs and repair are accounted for. Add to that the instantaneous and finished look you achieve with turf and it’s clear to see that turfing the area is preferable in most instances.

Can I buy your turf varieties in seeded form?

Since all of our current turf varieties are vegetatively reproduced, they are not sold in the form of seed. There are other turf varieties that are sold as seed, but to date, no warm season buffalo has shown adequate performance.

How does Austral Turf control the quality of their turf?

Austral Turf has developed a quality control program designed to ensure that only high quality, genetically pure, competitively priced Austral turf varieties are grown. Highlights of this program include a rigorous licensing process that identifies only quality and service-oriented growers, multiple suppliers to most geographic regions ensuring adequate supply at competitive prices, genetically pure planting stock material (identifiable by DNA banding and physical characteristics) that originates from approved sources, quality control stamped invoices, and on-site inspection of licensed growers farms by Austral. This program, along with our participation in several regional certification agency programs, should give consumers an added sense of assurance that the turf variety they are purchasing from a licensed Austral grower is of the highest quality.

How do I water my shaded lawn?

Once turf is established, shaded areas continue to require less water than full sun areas. Again, a fungicide may be needed during hot rainy periods when the grass blades remain moist for prolonged periods to reduce grey leaf spot and brown patch. For an established shaded lawn, a good rule of thumb for watering is to allow the grass to wilt slightly, apply up to, but no more than 2.5cm of water; only water again when there is more wilt. There are occasions when spot watering will be necessary.

What Is The Best Soil For Turfgrass?

Loams, sandy loams and loamy sands, with a pH of 6.0 to 7.0 are the very best soils for producing a beautiful, high-use, low-maintenance lawn. Unfortunately, this ideal soil mixture is seldom found on any property after construction.